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Category : Uncategorized

Never forget – The IOSH Code of Conduct for Occupational Health and Safety Professionals


1 Integrity

Members are required to:

1.1 Be honest;
1.2 Abide by the law;
1.3 Notify the Institution in writing promptly if they have been
(a) convicted of a criminal offence by a Court or
(b) charged with a criminal offence contrary to health and safety legislation or
(c) adjudged bankrupt or have entered into a formal arrangement with their creditors; and
1.4 Avoid conflicts of interest wherever possible and if one arises promptly take appropriate steps to manage it.

2 Competence

Members are required to:

2.1 Ensure they are competent to undertake proposed work;
2.2 Ensure persons working under their authority or supervision are competent to carry out the tasks assigned to them;
2.3 Undertake appropriate continuing professional development and record it in the manner prescribed by the Institution; and
2.4 Ensure that they make clients, employers and others who may be affected by their activities aware of their levels of competence.

3 Respect

Members are required to:

3.1 Cooperate fully with IOSH and abide by its Charter, Byelaws and Regulations;
3.2 Respect the rights and privacy of other people and organisations;
3.3 Cooperate with employers or clients in fulfilling their legal duties under the terms of their employment or consultancy contracts;
3.4 Have due regard for the effect their professional activities may have on others;
3.5 Ensure that their professional and business activities are reasonable; and
3.6 Respond promptly and appropriately to disputes and complaints.

4 Service

Members are required to:

4.1 Ensure that the terms of appointment and scope of work are clearly recorded in writing;
4.2 Ensure that, where necessary, they have adequate professional indemnity insurance when providing consultancy services;
4.3 Carry out their professional work in a timely manner;
4.4 Ensure that professional advice is accurate, proportionate and communicated in an appropriate format;
4.5 Have due regard for levels of service and customer care reasonably expected of them; and
4.6 Inform any person overruling or neglecting their professional advice of the potential adverse consequences and keep a written record of the date, time and nature of this action.



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